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Island Mack Fillets Recipe for Atlantic Mackerel

Title: Island Mack Fillets
by manduke
Type: Entree
Servings: 4
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Ingredients: Fresh, unfrozen Mack fillets. 2 pounds
4 eggs
flour-1 cup
teaspoon each of salt, black pepper, crushed red pepper, onion powder, any other dry spice you like (or have!)
Directions: This is a slow fry meal. I found it when a house guest of mine from the Magdelan Islands made it for me-his mom's recipe (en Francais!)

This is just like a slower "shore lunch" dish.
Simply fillet the mack's close to the bone after cutting of the head and tail (or leave on)

Make a mixture of the flour and spices. Place this coating mix on any flat surface, plate or counter top.

Heat a large non-stick or iron pan to LOW heat. Add about a cut of any good oil. I like peanut or canola. The French use real butter-the best if you can live with yourself! This is the key-cook SLOWLY.

Roll the fillets in a mixture of the spices and the flour first. Coat with egg-rpeat several times.


Dry-Wet-Dry-wet on the coating

Place the fillets in the hot oil and cook slowly 15 minutes (YES, 15 min!) a side until quite brown and crisp.

Serve "Island style" with a good homemade "chow chow"(very maritime pickled green tomatoe mix-easy recipes on line or can be purchased-homemade is best!), hot boiled buttered beets, mashed turnips, green salad, hot boiled zucchini and tomatoes,salad and fresh whole grain bread.
Other Notes: A good red wine (Yes, RED) is St. Francis Merlot.

A medium white is also good, such as a Cote-de-Rhone, or Pouilly-Fusee.

A great "feed" as we say in the maritimes!

My wife likes Mackerel sushi-I often eat the fish as I catch them with soy sauce-sorry non-sushi lovers!


Also good with any oily fish-salmon (add dillweed) and bluefish (add garlic powder and white pepper)

Remember too that these fish are very high in heart healthy oils. Eat hearty!
Date Added: 09/23/08 11:58 AM

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