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"Get Hooked on South Carolina"

Epic fishing on my birthday!!! Comments

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User: badlarry
Comment: Glad you had a sweet birthday Mark!
Date: 05/11/13 09:13 PM

User: chrokee
Comment: Swung and missed on my birthday! Congrats! That's a dream day.
Date: 05/10/13 03:27 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Happy B Day Mark.

Great Job!!!!!!
Date: 05/10/13 02:14 PM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: cpl mc - sorry, I forget to post it! here you go.

thorn168 - Yes, I'm strictly catch and release fisherman but not for salmon or trouts! Never kept more fish than I can eat. (I don't meant to brag but I tend to catch over 10k fish every year.) so, that is showing how good fisherman I am. Just wait until I start my saltwater season soon!

bassinbroosky - Yeah, Thanks! I tend to be exaggerate little bit. but not on the fish. Only story itself. haha. But I mean who doesn't do that! At least, I have my photos to prove my story! I will never lies about my fish catches. I don't see any point to lie because I am fishing machine like as you said, look at my photos that said all. LOL

lipixiblue - Awesome, man! I wish I could afford to go Florida! Must be blast to be fishing down there! Definitely sweet birthday for you.
Date: 05/10/13 06:15 AM

User: lilpixiblue
Comment: There couldn't be a better birthday gift!
I spent mine last year on a 3 week fishing BENDER down in FL. Refused Disney to go fishing and all. Lol
Happy birthday!!
Date: 05/10/13 12:29 AM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: happy birthday mark! glad you had an eventful birthday bud
Date: 05/09/13 11:02 PM

User: thorn168
Comment: Deaffisherman, I am glad you are a catch and release fisherman because you definitely catch a lot of fish.
Date: 05/09/13 10:40 PM

User: cpl_mc
Comment: Happy Birthday! Any pictures?
Date: 05/09/13 10:24 PM

User: cpl_mc
Comment: Happy Birthday! Any pictures?
Date: 05/09/13 10:24 PM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: Kman - Me too! I kinda knew they grew that big because when I was around 10-12 years old, I saw old man caught like 8-10 foot eel in Oldham at that barbershop. That small creek connected to both furnace and oldham. I saw that old man pulled it and kept for dinner. He said it was super delicious. I was shocked. After that, I caught one at one summer. Idk when but I must be between 13-15 years old.
Date: 05/09/13 09:36 PM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: Thanks everyone for Birthday wishes!
Date: 05/09/13 09:34 PM

User: deaffisherman
Comment: Don51 - haha, yeah I did! Because I dont want anyone to know where it is!!!
Date: 05/09/13 09:33 PM

User: pmar20
Comment: Happy Birthday Mark. Sounds like a great day.
Date: 05/09/13 08:12 PM

User: don51
Comment: Happy Birthday! And you caught them all in Plymouth Harbor! Amazing! LOL!
Date: 05/09/13 08:04 PM

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